A Grate Solution for Albert Park

Making strolling around the lake safe again – TerraGrate™ grating improved lake access and manages sediment at Albert Park.

Part of the Albert Park masterplan to broaden the use of the lake, increase public access, especially access to the lake’s edge, and to reduce sediment and litter entering the water, TerraGrate™ FRP (fibre reinforced polymer) minimesh grating from Terra Firm Industries was used to upgrade the walkway.

Joggers, walkers and cyclists in Albert Park had been impeded by dangerous, ugly, slippery, heavy and corroded old metal access covers that covered an inlet along the lake edge walkway. The structure was so troubling that the public would bypass this part of the lake edge entirely, and was a real problem for anyone with mobility issues.

In order to improve lake edge access and manage sediment in the lake, the old structure was replaced with non-slip, colour-matched TerraGrate™ FRP Minimesh grating. The new covering integrates seamlessly into the upgraded concrete path, securely covers the inlet and integrates the inlet into the new lake edge path. This solution still allows access for inlet inspection but also creates a continuous, safe, non-slip and aesthetically pleasing improvement to lake edge access.

Lakeside restaurants and boat sheds on Aquatic Drive in Albert Park are now easily accessed by the much improved mobility-friendly walkway.

Have a grating need?

Check out the many applications suitable for TerraGrate™ moulded grating:

  • Architectural
  • Construction engineering
  • Traffic and transportation
  • Oil & Gas
  • Chemical plants
  • Metals & mining
  • Water plants and wastewater
  • Docks
  • Industrial factories
  • Electrical & water utilities
  • Various council projects

If you are ready to talk, contact Terra Firma Industries on 03 9357 1230 or visit TerraGrate for more information on how composites can work for you.

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